Desert Diamond Mailers



Desert Diamond Casinos


Design, Layout, Typography, Copywriting, Photo Compositing

Project Overview

Desert Diamond Casinos requests a high volume of print materials to promote events because mid-level and high end events are invite-only. I have made many postcards, flat, and folded cards for their events. Below is a selection of mailers in various formats.

Tier upgrade folded mailer

This mailer is for Rewards Program members who have moved up from the entry level to the second tier. The surface-level goal of this card is to educate members about their new benefits. The primary goal is to get them excited about their new status - and back into to the casino. The first I accomplished with clear and concise copy. The second I created through art choices and headlines that emphasized luxury. I also selected a folded mailer format that is exclusive to tier upgrades.

Honey Money Swipe and Win Flat Card

Desert Diamond VIPs receive cards in envelopes for special events and promotions. Promotions can sometimes have silly names or celebrate obscure holidays, but part of my role as designer is to ensure the punniest promotions still feel classy for VIP clientele. Often my work strikes are careful balance between whimsical and upscale, modern design.

“Celebrate” Campaign Postcard

The goal of this mailer was to inspire hotel patrons who hadn’t visited in some time to book a trip to the resort. I used images from a commercial shoot to highlight the resort’s amenities and to remind patrons that Arizona pools are warm year round.

Choose your Cruise Invite

This invite is a favorite of mine for a few reasons. First, I was tickled that I could make an invite that looked like a ticket to an exotic destination. Second, this invite was a challenge because of the limited content. Most VIP invites that I make are for large cash or free play prizes. This one, however, was essentially a time share spiel with light refreshments. I had to fill a lot of space that would normally contain prize information and also make the invite look like an exciting and appealing event.